Sent by Shelley Ward on 02/25/2008

I found this on a website and thought it might help.... Mom, Please don't cry too long, I know you are sad I'm gone. Your heart is broken and filled with pain, but don't you know you will see me again? But this time I'll be beautiful and whole, no flesh and blood, but a heavenly soul. If you could see me now you would not shed a tear, but smile in anticipation for the day you'd join me here. There's no sorrow, no crime, no sickness, no pain, no war, no labor, no death or rain. There's no hate, no fear, no devil or sin, nothing evil or bad can get in. The streets are gold, the lighting is bright, the sun forever shines, there is no night. Angels sing without a hault or pause, they just sing and praise, there is no time and no such thing as days. And trust me I'm not alone! There are so many Baby Angels here, we play and play and play, oh dear! And best of all Jesus comes to visit us often, we can go talk to God face to face! And when I talked to Him when I arrived, I felt His amazing grace. He told me not to worry about my family at home and that I'm always with you even though I'm gone. I said but if, I'm here, God, how can that be? He said that I'm in your mind, your soul and your sweet memories. Goodbye for now, grieve normally and cry if you must. God knows what's best and in Him you must trust. Until we meet again, your Baby Angel. Written by Yolanda Shaw